The Inclusive Instructor

Ep.011 - Boundaries with Compassion: The Journey Starts with You

Tracy Dusseau, M.S. Ed. Season 1 Episode 11

Guest: Kellie Sturgeon, Accessible Technology Specialist with the Center for Accessibility Resources (CFAR) at LBCC. Kellie earned a nursing degree in 1979 and worked as an  Emergency Room nurse for 25 years before returning to school and earned a Master’s Degree in Family Counseling. Kellie's role at the college is working with students and faculty in reducing and removing barriers to student success through the implementation of accommodations and other strategies that "level the playing field" for diverse learners. 

In Part 1 (of 3) of this series - Boundaries with Compassion: The Journey Starts with You, Kellie and I discuss self-reflection and self-understanding around the issue of boundary setting - both in our personal lives and in the classroom.

As educators, it is important to begin with ourselves by asking - what does that look like in your life? How does it translate to work as faculty? There are those who abide by ‘letter of the law’ boundaries and those who practice ‘spirit of the law’ guidelines. In supporting students, the most effective space may lie somewhere between the extremes of being too rigid and too lenient.

Join us to explore your own boundary-setting approach and determine what style makes the most sense for your courses and to support student success.

Ep. 011 - Notes .